Amaseu logistics

Normally I tag along on Amaseu journeys as a writer. But in February & March 2017 I had a new role: logistics.

This meant visiting Scotland four times in four weeks; first of all to scope the route, then to prepare the client. After that we had our own team preparation, and finally the journey itself.

In between, a couple of visits to London and a few nights on the overnight train to Fort William.

An incredible experience all in all, and an extremely intense one. Moving car convoys, transporting luggage, buying supplies, arranging all kinds of transport, setting up supply stops in the wilderness, a midnight evacuation of a remote campsite, trying to find 15 ice cream cones in Mallaig in early March…

The whole thing was a hoot from start to finish. Had a blast with (and was extremely well supported by) the dudes from Skye Adventure.